
Brescia is a city with a wealth of culture and places of historic and artistic interest. In the historic center, visitors may admire the Renaissance Piazza of the Loggia, faced by Palazzo Loggia, the Clock Tower and the Monti di Pietà.
Places of special interest:e:
- The medieval Palazzo of the Broletto, former site of the civic town hall.
- The Tosio Martinengo wine bar, housed in a 17th century palazzo, where we can admire the work of the Brescian artists of the Renaissance such as Moretto, Romanino, and Foppa, but also the work of even better known authors such as Raffaello by Urbino and Giacomo Ceruti, called the Pitocchetto.
- The late Romanesque church of San Francesco d’Assisi (St. Francis of Assisi), which stands out with its strict and basic lines; it has three naves, pointed arches, a central rose window on the facade and a splendid choir loft dating back to 1300.
- Piazza del Foro with the Tempio Capitolino, built in the first century by the Roman Emperor Vespasiano.
- The Castle perched on the Cidneo hills is one of the largest fortified complexes in Italy; the surrounding walls were built by the Visconti, and the Mastio Visconteo was built in the 14th century; inside, visitors may admire splendid frescoes.